Help to save Propeller Art Gallery


Propeller Art Gallery was established in August 1996 by a small group of Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) recent graduates. Their mission was to create an affordable community art gallery for emerging Canadian artists, offering a professional exhibition venue and necessary support in career building.

Propeller continues to uphold this today, supporting artists from emerging to established, through a dynamic approach to arts programming, a venue to exhibit art, and education through member-assisted learning and collaboration.

Propeller Gallery is part of the cultural community in Toronto’s vibrant Queen West Art & Design district. We actively foster artists’ creative pursuits by hosting curated, juried, and member exhibitions. Additionally, it provides platforms for networking and learning through lectures, workshops, and artist talks. Now in its 28th year, Propeller continues to thrive with a roster of 42 artist members who share their creative spirit, and embrace the local arts community. We continue to garner public interest and critical acclaim as an essential artist-run centre in Toronto.

Help Propeller Art Gallery

Buy Our Exhibition Space: $150K Goal

In November 2023, Artscape Inc., our landlord, went into receivership. Since then, we have been fortunate enough to obtain financial assistance from Heritage Canada through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund, and the City of Toronto. This funding will go directly towards our space purchase.

We’re still $150,000 short. Help us reach our goal to Save Our Space at 30 Abell St, Toronto! Owning our space will offer long-term benefits to our members and the arts community by providing stability and opportunities for long-term planning. Meeting this target means your donation will have a considerable impact, as most funds are government-sourced.

In the future, the City of Toronto will have the first right of refusal if Propeller needs to leave the space. Your donation is truly an investment in the Toronto Arts community, ensuring the space remains secured and dedicated to the arts well into the future.

Peter Friedrichsen, Chair, Propeller Art Gallery

We ask for your help to Save Our Space!


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