The crowd. Photo:Phil Anderson
Curator Rae Johnson and Curator Cameron house co-owner Herb Tookey. Photo:Biserka Livaja
Coalmine Canary, Napoleon Brousseau and Mike Hansen. Photo:Biserka Livaja
c0-curator and Cameron House co-owner Herb Tookey and photographer Biserka Livaja. Photo:Erella Gagnon
Brian Video Photo: Biserka Livaja
Lana lowon, Sandy Stagg Photo: Biserka Livaja
Elinor Rose Galbraith and Amy Wilson. Photo: Biserka Livaja
John Scott and Elinor Rose Galbraith. Photo: Biserka Livaja
Oliver Girling Photo:Biserka Livaja
Mojah and friends. Photo: Biserka Livaja
Keith Holding, Erella Baubella Photo: Biserka Livaja
Photo: Biserka Livaja
Andrew James Paterson and John Scott Photo: Phil Anderson
Kim and Donna Lipchuk. Photo: Phil Anderson
Marion Lewis and Charles Pachter. Photo:Biserka Livaja
George Whiteside. Photo: Biserka Livaja
Evan Pennyand Helen Choi. Photo: Phil Anderson
Rae Johnson, Bruno Billio, Brian Burnett and friend. Photo: Phil Anderson