Saturday, May 5 2012, 2 -5 p.m.
ANTIX – Centre for Art Crime and Neoism
276 Crawford Street, Toronto
through drive way towards garage
You are invited to:ALLEYWAY RETRO and RECENT GARAGE WORKS – @ ANTIX – Istvan Kantor’s archive/storage/gallery/gift shop at 276 Crawford St., rear, through drive way to garage.
5 large marker-paintings $300 each
An ad hoc exhibition of Kantor’s lesser known visual art works, marker boards, mixed media paintings, ripout drawings, plunderworks, picketing signs, posters, and other iconic masterpieces…. This is a great opportunity to increase the value of your collection with a new or old Istvan Kantor original, an excellent moment to purchase one of his “bloody worthless horrifying immature sexist plunder” fabrications for only a hundred bux and embellish the walls of your new luxury condo or miserable windowless basement onebedbunker!!! Hallelujah!