Bodyworks is a yearly event at the Sculptors Society as the artists are called on to explore contemporary representations of the human form. Each artist’s unique voice was present from realism to abstraction
Gertler implies classical material and vaguely oppressive iconography to construct symbols of power, and Scaglia refers to ancient symbols to provide a metaphor for a disastrous historical event.
Each of the four artists engages deeply and subtly with art historical conversations: they confront injustices, point out erasures, and probe entire modes of seeing.
The works at Inter/Access are politically charged appropriations of tools used widely for warfare and surveillance, and also playful interpretations of their potential everyday use.
Although he has not publicly presented his works for a number of years it is clear that in the art world he is always a welcome presence whether at smaller intimate galleries like Yumart or larger spaces like Canada’s National Gallery.
Not only are Podeswa’s references accessible and layered, the curation also successfully reflects the celestial duality of his subject including both the spiritual and scientific.
Wainio once again delivers a thought-provoking and powerful narrative that delves into important cultural and experiential themes with subtle political and environmental undertones.