From Girling’s outward examination of fragile physical appearances, to Cade’s inward probing of the uncanny relationship between the mind and streams, these exhibitions manifest vivid considerations about the world that surrounds us.
For one sleepless night, from sunset to sunrise, the familiar is discarded and Toronto is transformed into an artistic playground for a series of exhilarating contemporary art experiences in unexpected public spaces.
Koop’s paintings seem to represent an uninhabitable or rare space where the beauty of New York’s architectural reality is valued above its economic symbolism – or perhaps an ode to ephemeral moments in the mega city’s skyline.
I was amazed by her brushstrokes even before I was mesmerized by her Girls and the characters that came to life through them. One thing is for sure: this girl can paint.
Up-front, quirkily so, as Evans’ compositional structures often are, it is nevertheless when he pits structure against destabilizing contraries that his more recent painting delivers its aesthetic pizzazz