The 103rd year of GradEx seemed to be its busiest, and most dynamic show to date. The annual four-day exhibition featured works by over 900 students in both art and design across several buildings on campus.
While the selected garments are remarkable works of art in their own right, it is Heck’s method of depicting them in his unique compositions – his vision – that is most captivating.
Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival
May-June, 2018 / Toronto and GTA
With so much choices, with well over 1500 Canadian and international artists and photographers exhibiting at more than 200 exhibitions, it isn’t easy picking exhibits to see.
When perusing Catharsis, the sheer variety of works – each with their own sense of individuality yet still unified under a common ambiguity behind their laden meanings as the artist intended – continuously offers something new and interesting to explore.
“Our survival and our continuation as a people are tied to Indigenous knowledge of the land and a return or an extension of these land-based practices is what will bring us into the future.”
Iles, using an array of well executed mediums and creative curatorial decisions, has created an engaging installation that has a strong critical message immersed in beautiful and interesting imagery and design.
As the title hints these clouds could be easily caused by an atomic bomb, so their elastic beauty deteriorates in front of our eyes and becomes utterly dangerous. However, in this exhibition, danger is overruled by beauty.