Finding abstraction in forms, and figures in the formless is a wonderfully intellectual exercise that the artist and the gallery have tackled beautifully together.
Kim enhances her rather morbid imagery with delicate strokes and colors – so the ugly body parts go through a metamorphosis and become almost beautiful.
The image she presents to the viewer is a mediated, heavily edited one that combines reality with Ness’ visions to create a mystical realism that is mesmerizing.
Each artist in Land Use addresses some of the underlying issues of Anthropocene and presents a closer view of land usage and a more humanistic approach to nature and humans.
Muluneh’s photographs are not just an exhibition of pure magnificence, but they are also a testimony to the ramifications of a bloody and unjust history
By sharing their cultural traditions, exposing their artistic ideas in new forms, those artists provide us with a wide view of contemporary Chinese art.