Category: EVENTS

NEXT / VSVSVS / BGL at Art Toronto, 2014

Madeleine Till and Ella Gorevalov

the entire exhibition was worth seeing but it was the galleries, artists, and artworks featured in and around the NEXT emerging art and artists section that engaged me the most

Art Toronto 2014

by Phil Anderson

TIAF has been stood the test of time and has again proved itself to be the premier art fair in Canada paving the way for others to follow.

Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2014

by Ella Gorevalov and Madeleine Till

Ella covered the Garden of Renova by Luigi Ferrera while Madeleine walked the Fort York Area and checked out the projects there

Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2014

October 4, from sunset to sunrise

by Phil Anderson

happy to have had a brief five hour experience of Nuit Blanche knowing I had missed many contemporary works but still satisfied to have gotten a taste of the night’s offerings.

Gallery Hop 2014

September 20, 2014

The day began with a panel conversation, continued with tours and talks, and concluded with the launch of the 30th anniversary issue of Canadian Art.