Our focus is always on visual art, free, all night. We invite curators to pitch proposals and themes, and actively commission programs. The life sign is good.
“I filter my process through photography and our relationship to images of ourselves in mass media. One of the by-products of this long process has been a progression towards “realism” but the motivation itself is not realism.
I have an unusual way of painting. I mix a number of oil paint colours on a palette and carefully place the paint in a small plastic bag at the corner, then I cut a small tip off the corner to squeeze the multi-coloured paint out.
“I have recently been looking at life as this both everything and nothing experience. The existential belief that everything is the same was my departure point.”
Invitation to whom it may concern: If you are in any way witnessing remoteness in any level, personal, or social, or simply art loving, or an artist, we have Robert Kananaj Gallery hosting and sharing the outsider in all of us.
His passion, creativity and innate sense of humor, are the characteristics that set his work apart, including in still photography, his second great love