Category: FEATURES

Douglas Coupland is Everywhere

by David Saric

Throughout the two unified exhibitions, Coupland’s artworks critically analyze what it means to be human in a postmodern society, while also displaying a sense of wit and playfulness that is both engaging and memorable.

Jean Michel Basquiat: Now is the Time

by Ella Gorevalov

Regardless or whether or not the AGO has done Basquiat justice, it is clear that his work still carries the same seduction and lure that taps into an intrinsic desire for understanding, and is absolutely a must to see.

Interview with Pari Nadimi

by Emese Krunák-Hajagos

we don’t follow the market, the market follows us. There is no doubt, this is much more challenging for a gallery but I like the challenge — so do the artists we represent

The Disappeared / Gallery 44

by Elena Iourtaeva

While the questions raised by Grigorenko and Heyn-Jones certainly are important and worth considering, the means offered to the viewers for exploration do not seem to be quite as effective as the artists describe them to be.