The image she presents to the viewer is a mediated, heavily edited one that combines reality with Ness’ visions to create a mystical realism that is mesmerizing.
Each artist in Land Use addresses some of the underlying issues of Anthropocene and presents a closer view of land usage and a more humanistic approach to nature and humans.
Muluneh’s photographs are not just an exhibition of pure magnificence, but they are also a testimony to the ramifications of a bloody and unjust history
By sharing their cultural traditions, exposing their artistic ideas in new forms, those artists provide us with a wide view of contemporary Chinese art.
From the contemplatively sombre to the delightfully candid, You + Me = Us showcases the sheer diversity and talent of the SSC membership, offering much to appreciate.
With this new location, Nicholas Metivier promises to curate and manifest more grandiose exhibitions and events than ever before; the community is waiting with breath that is bated.
two remarkable exhibitions, where the artworks are complementing each other. If you are wandering in town and looking forward to enjoy some abstract art – do not miss this show.
Passageways become increasingly inconvenient, and the amount of ‘stuff’ carried through the spaces become less, until we have seemingly come back to the same place, but it all looks different now, and so do we.