Visiting this exhibition was like to travelling into an imaginary world filled with bright colours and eerie themes, where the virtual and the real felt as seamless as a looping animated.
No small act of resistance or kindness goes unnoticed and the exhibition celebrates this fact with enthusiasm, intelligence and fascinating aesthetic explorations.
Both artists captured moments within the natural cycle of destruction and creation by using their artistic vision and conceptual views to radically alter the fabric of our world.
Finding abstraction in forms, and figures in the formless is a wonderfully intellectual exercise that the artist and the gallery have tackled beautifully together.
Refiguring Worlds, curated by Rebecca Travis, transports us to a space in transition where uncanny objects and scenes are caught shifting from the familiar to the peculiar
The night was a huge success and all the Power Plant staff, sponsors and volunteers who made it possible deserve ample praise for creating this celebration of contemporary art and fashion!