With so much choices, with well over 1500 Canadian and international artists and photographers exhibiting at more than 200 exhibitions, it isn’t easy picking exhibits to see.
Plotek’s paintings are not immediately comprehensible but the pleasures offered by his refined visual language instill a desire in the viewer to return to them again and again.
In these paintings, Lonn evades the purely abstract and places an emphasis on the notion of meaning making. The paintings in Khrome seem to suggest a possible truth; however, it is the viewer that is given the choice to decide just what this truth might be.
The chaotic, and sometimes hypnotic nature of these prints draws us in and locks us into a constant battle for understanding, from which escape can be difficult.
New Work: Smokestacks, Spills and Figures should not be missed by anyone who is interested in process art, or in the ways in which artists attempt to enter into an ecological dialogue with their viewers.
Like an old friend is an interesting combination of video, photography and mixed media installation that makes us question our own presence and whether or not it is fleeting or eternal.