Bodyworks is a yearly event at the Sculptors Society as the artists are called on to explore contemporary representations of the human form. Each artist’s unique voice was present from realism to abstraction
Although he has not publicly presented his works for a number of years it is clear that in the art world he is always a welcome presence whether at smaller intimate galleries like Yumart or larger spaces like Canada’s National Gallery.
While all the works are individually interesting, as an exhibition they become even stronger, showing how influences of the past can be regenerated into new artwork, creating new meaning.
He spoke about the connection between outsiders and printmaking, as each needs to be treated with a certain delicacy; the outsider must be approached as lightly as the drypoint in order to be properly comprehended.
the attendee’s who purchased tickets wait for their number to be drawn and when it is – they have sixty seconds to chose the piece of art off the wall they want to take home with them