He paints large-scale animal hybrid murals that splash onto concrete and brick throughout back alley pockets, making use of angles and drop shadows to illustrate the absurdity of impossible creatures
Art Fairs can often feel like places of commerce or business, but Artist Project successfully engages non-profit projects as well and provides a platform to the public for conversations about artistic practices.
What I love about public art is the simple fact that it is public… Public art breaks up someone’s day and incites an aesthetic experience when they aren’t ready for it.
it was nice to see an exclusively Canadian art gallery presence, which didn’t overwhelm viewers with a sense of Canadiana, but the venue and curating can be improved to encourage more nontraditional fair-goers to attend
Regardless or whether or not the AGO has done Basquiat justice, it is clear that his work still carries the same seduction and lure that taps into an intrinsic desire for understanding, and is absolutely a must to see.
the entire exhibition was worth seeing but it was the galleries, artists, and artworks featured in and around the NEXT emerging art and artists section that engaged me the most
This is a space with many possibilities. It has an industrial kitchen, studios for music production, spaces to produce art work in any medium, and a gallery space to showcase it.